ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ်:ၵိူၼ်ႇတူ တူင်ႇဝိူင်း

(လုၵ်ႉတီး ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ်:ၽွတ်ႇတိူဝ်ႇ တူင်ႇဝိူင်း ၼႆႈသေ ၶိုၼ်းပိၼ်ႇဝၢႆႇမႃး)

ၵိူၼ်ႇတူ တူင်ႇဝိူင်းၼႆႉ မၼ်းပဵၼ် ဢွင်ႈတီႈၵၢင် တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ လွင်ႈႁဵတ်းၵၢၼ် ႁူမ်ႈၵၼ် တီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ် ယဝ်ႉ။ ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ ပဵၼ် ၵေႃႉမႃးမႂ်ႇ တီႈ ယူင်ႉၵၢၼ်ၼႄႇ? ႁူမ်ၸူမ်းႁပ်ႉတွၼ်ႈယူႇ! ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ်ၼႆႉ ပဵၼ် ၽိုၼ်ၵႅမ်မိုဝ်း ဢွၵ်ႇၶၢဝ်းတၢင်း တင်းလူၵ်ႈၵမ်ႇၽႃႇ ဢၼ် ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ ၸၢင်ႈမႄးထတ်းလႆႈ။ တႄႇ လွင်ႈႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈ ယၢမ်းလဵဝ်လႄႈ - ႁဝ်းၶႃႈ လူဝ်ႇ တၢင်းႁူႉႁၼ်ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ၊ ၵၢၼ်ထူပ်းမိုဝ်း ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ၊ ပႃႇရမီႇၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ လႄႈ လွင်ႈၽင်ၸႂ်ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ ၶႃႈဢေႃႈ။ သင်ၸိူဝ်ႉဝႃႈ ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ ၶႂ်ႈတိူဝ်းၶဝ်ႈပႃးလိူဝ် တီႈ ယူင်ႉၵၢၼ်ၼႆ၊ တႄႇလူတူၺ်း တီႈ ႁဵင်းၵွင်ႉ ၸိူဝ်းမီးဝႆႉ တီႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈၼႆႉ၊ ဢိၵ်ႇတင်း ပဝ်ႉမၢႆႁဝ်းၶႃႈ လႄႈ ၽိုၼ်ၵႅမ်မိုဝ်း သတၢႆႇ ၼၼ်ႉလႄႈ။ သင်ၸိူဝ်ႉဝႃႈ ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ တိုၵ်ႉမီး ၶေႃႈထၢမ်ယူႇၼႆ ထၢမ်ၵမ်းလဵဝ်လႄႈ! ႁဝ်းၶႃႈ တေႁွတ်ႈထိုင် တေမီးဝႆႉတီႈ ၶွင်ႉၶႅၵ်ႇ ၼၼ်ႉယူႇ။ ပဵၼ်ဢွင်ႈတီႈ ဢိုၵ်ႉဢွၵ်ႉဢၼ်ပွမ် ၵႃႈတီႈ ႁိူၼ်း ၶႃႈၼေႃႈ!

လွင်ႈႁဵတ်းၵၢၼ်ႁူမ်ႈၵၼ် ၶွင် လိူၼ်

မႄးထတ်း/ဢၢပ်ႉတဵတ်ႉ လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ် ဢၼ်ၵဵဝ်ႇၵပ်း ထႅမ်းပလဵၵ်ႉလိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ်

  • ႁဵတ်းႁႂ်ႈ ၽႃႇသႃႇၵႂၢမ်း ဢၼ်ၸမ်ဝၢႆးၼၼ်ႉ တိူဝ်းလီၶိုၼ်ႈမႃး လႄႈ ပိူင်ၸိူဝ်းဢမ်ႇၸႂ်ႉယဝ်ႉ ဢၼ်ပဵၼ် ၶွင်လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ် ၸိူဝ်းၵဵဝ်ႇၵပ်း ထႅမ်းပလဵတ်ႉ လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ်


တုၵ်းယွၼ်း တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ ၵႂၢမ်းၶႆႈၸႂ်
ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈၼႆႉ ပဵၼ်တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ တုၵ်းယွၼ်း ၶေႃႈတွပ်ႇပၼ်ၶိုၼ်း တီႈဢၼ်တိုၵ်ႉဢုပ်ႇဢူဝ်း လွင်ႈ ပေႃႇလသီႇ၊ လမ်းၼႂ်း လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ် ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် လွင်ႈတၢင်းတၢင်ႇၸိူဝ်း။
ၶွင်ႉၶႅၵ်ႇ ၵူၼ်းဢွၵ်ႇၶၢဝ်းတၢင်း
ပဵၼ်ဢွင်ႈတီႈ တႃႇထၢမ်ၶေႃႈထၢမ် ၽွင်းမိူဝ်ႈၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇထူပ်း လွင်ႈသုၵ်ႉၵႂၢင်၊ တၢင်းႁၢႆ၊ ၵူဝ်ႁေႇ၊ ႁိူဝ်ႉမွႆႈ၊ ၸႂ်သဵင်ႈ၊ ဝူၼ်ႉၼမ် ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် မီးတၢင်းၸွႆႈထႅမ်။
ၽႅၼ်ၵၢၼ်မိူဝ်းၼႃႈ ၶၢဝ်းယၢဝ်း လႄႈ ၶၢဝ်းပွတ်း တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ်
လွင်ႈဢုပ်ႇဢူဝ်း လၢႆၽႃႇသႃႇ
ႁွင်ႈၼင်ႈလဵၼ်ႈ တီႈ မႄႇတႃႇ ပဵၼ်တီႈ ဢုပ်ႇဢူဝ်းၵၼ် ဢိၵ်ႇတင်း ၽူႈၸႂ်ႉတိုဝ်း လၢႆၽႃႇသႃႇ ၶွင် ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ်။ လွင်ႈၵပ်းသိုပ်ႇၵၼ်တႄႉ ဢဝ် ၽႃႇသႃႇဢိင်းၵလဵတ်ႈသေ ၵပ်းသိုပ်ႇၵၼ်ယဝ်ႉ။
ယုၵ်ႉယွင်ႈ လွင်ႈႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈ
ၼႆႉတႄႉ ပဵၼ်တီႈဢၼ်ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ ၸၢင်ႈသိုပ်ႇၽႄႈ ၶၢဝ်ႇငၢဝ်း ၶွင် ၵၢၼ်ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ ဢၼ်လႆႈႁဵတ်းယဝ်ႉတူဝ်ႈၵႂႃႇ - လႄႈ ၽိတ်ႈမွၵ်ႇ တူင်ႇဝိူင်း တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ ယုၵ်ႉယွင်ႈ လၵ်းမၢႆတွင်း ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ တီႈ ႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈၸူး ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ်။
သိုပ်ႇၽႄႈ လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တမွ တီႈ ၾဵတ်ႉပုၵ်ႉၶ် လႄႈ တုၺ်ႉတႃႇ။
ၶွင်ႉ IRC
#ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ် ၶွင်ႉ IRC ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႉꩡ်။
သဵၼ်ႈမၢႆမေးလ် ၵူႈၸိုင်ႈမိူင်း
ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ်-l (လိူၼ်ၼႆႉ).
ၽပရီႇၵေႇတႃႇ: ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ် တၢင်ႇလၢတ်ႈ လွင်ႈၽိတ်းပိူင်ႈ လႄႈ တုၵ်းယွၼ်းၽၢင်ႁၢင်ႈၵၢၼ်ငၢၼ်း။


လွင်ႈႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈ ၶွင် ၼိုင်ႈလိူၼ်
လွင်ႈႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈၵူႈလိူၼ််ၵူႈလိူၼ် တွၼ်ႈတႃႇလႆႈ ၽူႈႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈ ဢၼ်ႁဵတ်းၵၢၼ်ႁူမ်ႈမိူဝ်ႈလဵဝ်ၵၼ် ၵႃႈတီႈ လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ်ၼိုင်ႈႁူဝ်၊ ပဵၼ်တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ တူဝ်ႈတၼ်း တႃႇ ပၢင်ပွႆးဢၼ်တေမႃး ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် လွင်ႈလိူၵ်ႈငႃ။
တူဝ်တၢင် ပၢႆတၢင်း ၶွင် ၼိုင်ႈလိူၼ်
တီႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈၼႆႉ ႁဝ်းၶႃႈ တႅပ်းတတ်းဝႃႈ လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ် ဢၼ်လႂ် တေထုၵ်ႇၼႄႉၼမ်းၼႄတီႈ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈႁူဝ်ႁႅၵ်ႈ ၼင်ႇ "ပၢႆတၢင်း ၶွင် ၼိုင်ႈလိူၼ်"။ တီႈၼၼ်ႈ မၼ်းတေမီးဝႆႉ ပိူင်ထၢၼ်ႈပိူင်ႈၵၼ်လၢႆလၢႆဢၼ် တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ ပၢႆတၢင်း တီႈဢၼ်ၵူၼ်းဢႅဝ်ႇလႄႇဢေႇ လႄႈ တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ ႁူဝ်ၶေႃႈ ဢွၵ်ႇၶၢဝ်းတၢင်း။
လၢၵ်ႇလၢႆးသေတႃႉ ပဵၼ်ဢၼ်လဵၵ်ႉၼွႆႉ ဢၼ်ၸႅတ်ႈဢၼ်မၢၼ်ႇ ဢၼ်ၵဵဝ်ႇၵပ်းလူၺ်ႈ ပၢႆတၢင်း ၸိူဝ်းမီးၼႂ်းလူၵ်ႈ။ ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ ၸၢင်ႈၽိူမ်ႉထႅမ်သႂ်ႇ ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် မႄးထတ်း လွင်ႈတၢင်းဢၼ်လီၵျေႃႇသိူဝ်း သႂ်ႇၸူးတီႈၼႂ်း သဵၼ်ႈမၢႆၼႆႉ၊ ဢၼ်တေဢွၵ်ႇၼႄႇတီႈ ၼႃႈႁူဝ်ႁႅၵ်ႇ မိူဝ်းၼႃႈၼၼ်ႉ။
လွင်ႈဢွၵ်ႇၶၢဝ်းတၢင်း (ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် ယူင်ႉၵၢၼ်ဝီႇၶီႇ) ၸွႆႈထႅမ်ပၼ် ၽူႈတႅမ်ႈဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ်ၶဝ် တႃႇႁူမ်ႈၵၼ် တုမ်ၵၼ် တီႈ ႁူဝ်ၶေႃႈဢၼ်ၼႄႉၼွၼ်း၊ ၶဝ်ဢိင်ၼိူဝ် လွင်ႈၶဝ်ၶဝ်ႈၸႂ်ႁူမ်ႈၵၼ်၊ လႅင်လိၼ် ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် ၼမ်ႉၵတ်ႉ ၸိူဝ်းၶဝ်သိုပ်ႇၽႄႈၵၼ်ဝႆႉၼၼ်ႉယဝ်ႉ။

ပေႃႇလသီႇ လႄႈ ၵႅမ်မိုဝ်း

ၽူႈဢွၵ်ႇၶၢဝ်းတၢင်း မႃးပွၵ်ႈဢွၼ်တၢင်းသုတ်း
လွင်ႈတၢင်းပိုၼ်ႉၶၢမ်ႇပိူင်လူင် ၶွင် ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ် ၼႆႉ တႄႉ မၼ်းလႆႈတႅမ်ႈဝႆႉ တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ ၼမ်ႉတွၼ်းၽွၼ်းလီ ၽူႈဢွၵ်ႇၶၢဝ်းတၢင်းၶဝ်ယဝ်ႉ။ ၶေႃႈထၢမ် "မၼ်းမီးလွင်ႈၶႅမ်ႉ တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ ၽူႈဢွၵ်ႇၶၢဝ်းတၢင်းၶဝ် ဢီႈသင်" ၼႆၸိုင် မၼ်းပဵၼ် ၵႅမ်မိုဝ်း တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ ႁဵတ်းလွင်ႈတႅပ်းတတ်းၼၼ်ႉယဝ်ႉ။
ပဝ်ႉမၢႆ လႄႈ ဢမ်ႇၸႂ်ႈပဝ်ႉမၢႆ
ပဝ်ႉမၢႆႁဝ်းၶႃႈၼႆႉ ပဵၼ်တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ သၢင်ႈၾရီး၊ တဵမ်တဵမ်ထူၼ်ႈထူၼ်ႈ၊ ႁႂ်ႈၶိုတ်းမိုဝ်ႉၶိုတ်းဝၼ်း လႄႈ ႁႂ်ႈပဵၼ်ၵႅမ်မိုဝ်းဢွၵ်ႇၶၢဝ်းတၢင်း ဢၼ်ယုမ်ႇယမ်တမ်းၸႂ်လႆႈ။ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈပေႃႇလသီႇဢၼ်ၼႆႉ မၼ်းတေပၼ် လွၼ်ႉၶၢဝ်ႇ ဢၼ်လမ်ႇလွင်ႈ ဝႃႈ ႁဝ်းၶႃႈပဵၼ်ၽႂ် လႄႈ ႁဝ်းၶႃႈ ဢမ်ႇၸႂ်ႈၽႂ် ဢၼ်ဝႃႈၼၼ်ႉယဝ်ႉ။
တီႈဝီႇၶီႆႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ်ၼႆႉ ၸိူဝ်းပဵၼ် လွင်ႈတႅပ်းတတ်းတင်းသဵင်ႈၼႆႉ လႆႈမႃးတီႈ ၵၢင်ၸႂ်ၵူၼ်းတင်းၼမ် လိူဝ်သေ လွင်ႈပၼ်သဵင်ၵၢင်ၸႂ်ယဝ်ႉ။ ယွၼ်ႉၼၼ်လႄႈ ဢဝ်လွင််ႈထဵင်မေႃးၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇၼၼ်ႉ ႁဵတ်းပဵၼ် လွင်ႈဢဝ်ၵၢင်ၸႂ်ၵူၼ်းတင်းၼမ်သေၵေႃႈ ႁႂ်ႈၶဝ်တႅပ်းတတ်းပၼ်လႄႈ။
ယႃႇပေမႆႈၸႂ်ဝႃႈ လွင်ႈမၼ်းၶိုၵ်ႉၶႅမ်ႉၼႃႇ ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် လွင်ႈႁဵတ်းၺႃး တၢင်းၽိတ်း။ သင်ၸိူဝ်ႉဝႃႈ သေဢၼ်ဢၼ်ၼႆႉ မၼ်းလူဝ်ႇႁႂ်ႈယဝ်ႉတူဝ်ႈၼႆႉ ႁဵတ်းၵႂႃႇလႃႈ။ ၵျွၵ်းၶဝ်ႈၸူးသေ ႁဵတ်းလွင်ႈမႄးထတ်းလိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ် ဢၼ်ၶဝ်ႈတၢင်းတိုဝ်းၼၼ်ႉတႃႉ။
သတၢႆႇၵႅမ်ႇမိုဝ်းႁဝ်းၶႃႈၼႆႉ မၼ်းပဵၼ် ဢၼ်ဢဝ် ပၵ်းပိူင် လႄႈ လွင်ႈၼႄတၢင်း တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ ႁႂ်ႈ လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ် ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ်ၼႆႉ မီးၽၢင်ႁၢင်ႈၼိမ်သဝ်း လႄႈ ယိၼ်းႁူႉလႆႈ။

ၵၢၼ်ၸွႆႈထႅမ် လႄႈ ၵၢၼ်ႁဵၼ်း

ၵႅမ်မိုဝ်း လွင်ႈႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈ ၽႂ်းၽႂ်း
ၵႅမ်မိုဝ်းဢၼ်ၼႆႉ မၼ်းၵမ်ႉထႅမ်ပၼ် လွင်ႈပၼ်တၢင်းၶႆႈၸႂ် တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ လွင်ႈၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ ႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈၸူး ဝီႇၶီႇဢၼ်ၼႆႉ ပဵၼ်ပွၵ်ႈဢွၼ်တၢင်းသုတ်း။ ဢၼ်လီထိသုတ်း တႃႇတႄႇႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈၼႆႉ ၽိူဝ်ႇတႃႉဝႃႈ တေတႄႇတႅမ်ႈ လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ်ဢၼ်မႂ်ႇ ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် တေႁဵတ်းလွင်ႈလႅၵ်ႈလၢႆႈတီႈ လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ် ဢၼ်မီးဝႆႉၼႆ တႃႉႁဵတ်းသဵၼ်ႈမၢႆ ဢွင်ႈတီႈလီၶဝ်ႈၸႂ် ဢၼ်ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ လႆႈၸႂ်သေပိူၼ်ႈ၊ လၢၼ်ႉတၢင်းၵိၼ် ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် ပႃး ၸိူဝ်းၼႆႉလႄႈ။
တၢင်းၶႆႈၸႂ်လပ်ႉ တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ ၽူႈႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈမႂ်ႇ
ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဢၼ်ၼႆႉ မၼ်းပၼ်ဝႆႉ တၢင်းၶႆႈၸႂ်လပ်ႉ ဢၼ်တေၸၢင်ႈၸွႆႈထႅမ်ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ တႃႇႁႂ်ႈႁဵတ်းၵၢၼ်လႆႈၽႂ်း တီႈ လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ် ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ် လႄႈ တႃႇႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈတီႈၼႂ်း တူင်ႇဝိူင်း ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ်ယဝ်ႉ။
ၶွင်ႉၶႅၵ်ႇ ၶႃၶဝ်ႈ
တီႈၼႆႈၼႆႉ ပဵၼ်တီးဢၼ် ၽူႈႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈမႂ်ႇၶဝ် ၸၢင်ႈတွင်ႈထၢမ်ၶေႃႈထၢမ် သေ ၽူႈႁူမ်ႈသၢင်ႈ ၸိူဝ်းမီးတူဝ်ထူပ်းၶဝ် တေတွပ်ႇပၼ်ၼၼ်ႉယဝ်ႈ
တေႁဵတ်းႁိုဝ်ၸၼ် ၽႅၼ်ႇလိၼ်ၼိမ် လႄႈ ၽႅၼ်ႇလိၼ် တၢႆးၼမိသ်
ၵၢပ်ႈပၢၼ်လၢဝ်ထဵမ်း လႄႇ ၵျီႇၽီႇဢႅတ်ႉသ် ၼႆႉ ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ ဢမ်ႇတၢပ်ႈလူဝ်ႇ ပဵၼၽူႈလူင်ႉလႅၼ်ႇ ၽၢႆႇၸၼ်ႁၢင်ႈ တႃႇၸၼ် ႁၢင်ႈၽႅၼ်ႇလိၼ်ယူႇယဝ်ႉ။ ၵၢၼ်ႁဵၼ်း ႁၢင်ႈၽႅၼ်ႇလိၼ်ၼိမ် ၼႆႉ မၼ်တေပၼ် ၶေႃႈၸိသင်ႇ တႃႇ လွင်ႈသၢင်ႈ ႁၢင်ႈၽႅၼ်ႇလိၼ် လၵ်းၸဵင် ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ် ဢၼ်ၸႂ်ႉ Inkscape ၸၼ်ႉသေ၊ ဢၼ်ပဵၼ် ၽႅၼ်ႇလိၼ် တၢႆးၼမိသ် ဢၼ်သၢင်ႈ မႃးတီႈ (lat, long) co-ordinates ဢၼ်ဢဝ် ႁၢင်ႈၽႅၼ်ႇလိၼ် OpenStreetMap ပဵၼ်ပိုၼ်ႉမၼ်းၼၼ်ႉယဝ်ႉ။ ၵူၼ်းၶဝ်ႈၸႂ်ၵမ်ႈၽွမ်ႈ ၸွမ်းႁဵတ်းၼင်ႇ ၽိုၼ်ၵႅမ်မိုဝ်းၼႆႉသေၵေႃႈ လႆႈသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၽႅၼ်ႇလိၼ် ဢၼ်ၶႅမ်ႉဝႆႉယူႇ။
တေႁဵတ်းႁိုဝ် ၶိုၼ်းၸႂ်ႉ ၵႅမ်မိုဝ်း ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ်
လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ် ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ် လႄႈ ၶႅပ်းႁၢင်ႈၸိူဝ်းၼႆႉ ဢဝ်ၸႂ်ႉလႆႈ တႂ်ႈ ဝႂ်ၶႂၢင်း ၵေႃႇပီႇလႅပ်ႉၾ် ယဝ်ႉ။ ၼႆႉမၼ်းပွင်ႇဝႃႈ ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ ၸၢင်ႈသိုပ်ႇၶိုၼ်းပိုၼ်ၽႄ လႄႈ ၶိုၼ်းမႄး လႆႈ ၸွမ်းၼင်ႇ ပၵ်းပိူင်ဢၼ်မီးဝႆႉ ၵမ်ႈၽွင်ႈၼၼ်ႉယဝ်ႈ။ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈၼႆႉ မၼ်းပၼ်လွင်ႈႁုပ်ႈတူၺ်းၼိူဝ် တေႁဵတ်းႁိုဝ်ၶိုၼ်းၸႂ်ႉ လမ်းၼႂ်း ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ် တီႈ မိုဝ်းထိသၢမ် ၼႆယဝ်ႈ။


လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ် ၸိူဝ်းတုၵ်းယွၼ်းဝႆႉ
ပဵၼ်သဵၼ်ႈမၢႆ လိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ် ၸိူဝ်းဢၼ်ပႆႇမီး တီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇဝွႆးဢဵတ်ႇꩡ်။ ၸွင်ႇၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ မိုတ်ႈၵိုဝ်းၸမ်ၸႂ်ၵၼ်တင်း ႁူဝ်ၶေႃႈသေဢၼ်ဢၼ် ၸိူဝ်းမီးဝႆႉ တီႈၼႂ်း သဵၼ်ႈမၢႆၼႆႉႁိုဝ်။ ၶိုပ်ႈၼႃႈသေ သျႄးပၼ်ပိုၼ်ႉႁူႉၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇလႄႈ!
ပၼ်ႁႃ လွင်ႈမွတ်ႇပႅတ်ႈ

Invalid argument for Template:WikivoyageDoc. Please see Template:WikivoyageDoc for usage instructions.

== Opportunities open for the Affiliations Committee, Ombuds commission, and the Case Review Committee ==

Hi everyone! The Affiliations Committee (AffCom), Ombuds commission (OC), and the Case Review Committee (CRC) are looking for new members. These volunteer groups provide important structural and oversight support for the community and movement. People are encouraged to nominate themselves or encourage others they feel would contribute to these groups to apply. There is more information about the roles of the groups, the skills needed, and the opportunity to apply on the Meta-wiki page.

On behalf of the Committee Support team,

Review and comment on the 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection rules package

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Dear all,

Please review and comment on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection rules package from now until 29 October 2023. The selection rules package was based on older versions by the Elections Committee and will be used in the 2024 Board of Trustees selection. Providing your comments now will help them provide a smoother, better Board selection process. More on the Meta-wiki page.


Katie Chan
Chair of the Elections Committee

07:43, 17 ဢွၵ်ႇထူဝ်ႇပႃႇ 2023 (+0630)

The Vector 2022 skin as the default in three weeks?

Read this in your languagePlease help translate to your language • Please tell other users about these changes

Hello. I'm writing on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Web team. In two weeks, we would like to make the Vector 2022 skin the default on this wiki.

Global preferences

If you prefer keeping the current skin select "Vector legacy (2010)" on the appearance tab of the global preferences and save the change. We encourage you to give the new skin a try, though.

Since I last came to you with this question, many things have changed. The skin is now the default on most Wikipedias, and all logos are done! We have also made some tweaks in the skin itself. Below is the text I've sent to you once, but I'm sending it again, just slightly edited, for those who haven't seen it.

If you know what this is about, jump straight to the section "Our plan":

It would become the default for all logged-out users, and also all logged-in users who currently use Vector legacy as a local (but not global) preference. Logged-in users can at any time switch to any other skin. No changes are expected for these skins.

About the skin

Slides to our Wikimania 2022 presentation. You may also listen to the recording on YouTube (in English).

[Why is a change necessary] When the current default skin was created, it reflected the needs of the readers and editors as these were 14 years ago. Since then, new users have begun using the Internet and Wikimedia projects in different ways. The old Vector does not meet their needs.

[Objective] The objective for the Vector 2022 skin is to make the interface more welcoming and comfortable for readers and useful for advanced users. It introduces a series of changes that aim to improve problems new and existing readers and editors were having with the old skin. It draws inspiration from previous user requests, the Community Wishlist Surveys, and gadgets and scripts. The work helped our code follow the standards and improve all other skins. The PHP code in the other available skins has been reduced by 75%. The project has also focused on making it easier to support gadgets and use APIs.


[Changes in a nutshell] The skin introduces changes that improve readability and usability. The new skin does not remove any functionality currently available on the Vector skin.

  • The limited width and pin-able menus allow to adjust the interface to the screen size, and focus on editing or reading. Logged-in and logged-out users may use a toggle button to keep the full width, though.
  • The sticky header makes it easier to find tools that editors use often. It decreases scrolling to the top of the page by 16%.
  • The new table of contents makes it easier to navigate to different sections. Readers and editors jump to different sections of the page 50% more than with the old table of contents. It also looks a bit different on talk pages.
  • The new search bar is easier to find and makes it easier to find the correct search result from the list. This increased the amount of searches started by 30% on the tested wikis.
  • The skin does not negatively affect pageviews, edit rates, or account creation. There is evidence of increases in pageviews and account creation across partner communities.

[Customize this skin] It's possible to configure and personalize our changes. We support volunteers who create new gadgets and user scripts. Check out the repository for a list of currently available customizations and changes, or add your own.

Our plan

If no large concerns are raised, we plan on deploying on 14 November. If you'd like to ask our team anything, if you have questions, concerns, or additional thoughts, please comment in any language. If this is the first comment to my message, make sure to ping me. We will gladly answer! Also, check out our FAQ. Thank you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (ဢုပ်ႇ) 07:39, 26 ဢွၵ်ႇထူဝ်ႇပႃႇ 2023 (+0630)[တွပ်ႇၶိုၼ်း]

Vote on the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hello all,

I am reaching out to you today to announce that the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) Charter is now open. Community members may cast their vote and provide comments about the charter via SecurePoll now through 2 February 2024. Those of you who voiced your opinions during the development of the UCoC Enforcement Guidelines will find this process familiar.

The current version of the U4C Charter is on Meta-wiki with translations available.

Read the charter, go vote and share this note with others in your community. I can confidently say the U4C Building Committee looks forward to your participation.

On behalf of the UCoC Project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 00:39, 20 ၸၼ်ႇဝႃႇရီႇ 2024 (+0630)[တွပ်ႇၶိုၼ်း]

Last days to vote on the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hello all,

I am reaching out to you today to remind you that the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) charter will close on 2 February 2024. Community members may cast their vote and provide comments about the charter via SecurePoll. Those of you who voiced your opinions during the development of the UCoC Enforcement Guidelines will find this process familiar.

The current version of the U4C charter is on Meta-wiki with translations available.

Read the charter, go vote and share this note with others in your community. I can confidently say the U4C Building Committee looks forward to your participation.

On behalf of the UCoC Project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 23:31, 31 ၸၼ်ႇဝႃႇရီႇ 2024 (+0630)[တွပ်ႇၶိုၼ်း]

Announcing the results of the UCoC Coordinating Committee Charter ratification vote

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear all,

Thank you everyone for following the progress of the Universal Code of Conduct. I am writing to you today to announce the outcome of the ratification vote on the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee Charter. 1746 contributors voted in this ratification vote with 1249 voters supporting the Charter and 420 voters not. The ratification vote process allowed for voters to provide comments about the Charter.

A report of voting statistics and a summary of voter comments will be published on Meta-wiki in the coming weeks.

Please look forward to hearing about the next steps soon.

On behalf of the UCoC Project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 00:54, 13 ၾႅပ်ႇဝႃႇရီႇ 2024 (+0630)[တွပ်ႇၶိုၼ်း]

Report of the U4C Charter ratification and U4C Call for Candidates now available

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hello all,

I am writing to you today with two important pieces of information. First, the report of the comments from the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) Charter ratification is now available. Secondly, the call for candidates for the U4C is open now through April 1, 2024.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members are invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.

Per the charter, there are 16 seats on the U4C: eight community-at-large seats and eight regional seats to ensure the U4C represents the diversity of the movement.

Read more and submit your application on Meta-wiki.

On behalf of the UCoC project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 22:55, 5 မၢတ်ႉၶျ် 2024 (+0630)[တွပ်ႇၶိုၼ်း]

Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees 2024 Selection

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Dear all,

This year, the term of 4 (four) Community- and Affiliate-selected Trustees on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees will come to an end [1]. The Board invites the whole movement to participate in this year’s selection process and vote to fill those seats.

The Elections Committee will oversee this process with support from Foundation staff [2]. The Board Governance Committee created a Board Selection Working Group from Trustees who cannot be candidates in the 2024 community- and affiliate-selected trustee selection process composed of Dariusz Jemielniak, Nataliia Tymkiv, Esra'a Al Shafei, Kathy Collins, and Shani Evenstein Sigalov [3]. The group is tasked with providing Board oversight for the 2024 trustee selection process, and for keeping the Board informed. More details on the roles of the Elections Committee, Board, and staff are here [4].

Here are the key planned dates:

  • May 2024: Call for candidates and call for questions
  • June 2024: Affiliates vote to shortlist 12 candidates (no shortlisting if 15 or less candidates apply) [5]
  • June-August 2024: Campaign period
  • End of August / beginning of September 2024: Two-week community voting period
  • October–November 2024: Background check of selected candidates
  • Board's Meeting in December 2024: New trustees seated

Learn more about the 2024 selection process - including the detailed timeline, the candidacy process, the campaign rules, and the voter eligibility criteria - on this Meta-wiki page, and make your plan.

Election Volunteers

Another way to be involved with the 2024 selection process is to be an Election Volunteer. Election Volunteers are a bridge between the Elections Committee and their respective community. They help ensure their community is represented and mobilize them to vote. Learn more about the program and how to join on this Meta-wiki page.

Best regards,

Dariusz Jemielniak (Governance Committee Chair, Board Selection Working Group)

[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2021/Results#Elected

[2] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Committee:Elections_Committee_Charter

[3] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Minutes:2023-08-15#Governance_Committee

[4] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections_committee/Roles

[5] Even though the ideal number is 12 candidates for 4 open seats, the shortlisting process will be triggered if there are more than 15 candidates because the 1-3 candidates that are removed might feel ostracized and it would be a lot of work for affiliates to carry out the shortlisting process to only eliminate 1-3 candidates from the candidate list.

MPossoupe_(WMF)02:27, 13 မၢတ်ႉၶျ် 2024 (+0630)[တွပ်ႇၶိုၼ်း]

Vote now to select members of the first U4C

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear all,

I am writing to you to let you know the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is open now through May 9, 2024. Read the information on the voting page on Meta-wiki to learn more about voting and voter eligibility.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members were invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.

Please share this message with members of your community so they can participate as well.

On behalf of the UCoC project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 02:50, 26 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2024 (+0630)[တွပ်ႇၶိုၼ်း]